Kajian Literatur Tentang Implementasi Good Corporate Governance Untuk Pengembangan Asuransi Dengan Investasi Syariah (Unit Link)

  • eko darmawan Universitas Putra Bangsa


Currently, sharia unit insurance in Indonesia is growing rapidly. Therefore, good governance is needed to maintain its existence. The best model for creating Good Corporate Governance (GCG) when developing a Sharia insurance unit is the aim of this research. A qualitative approach and literature study were carried out in this research. A quantitative approach is carried out by gathering information from informants (practitioners, academics, and researchers) who understand GCG and Sharia Insurance issues. This study shows that in the development of Sharia unit insurance in Indonesia, the principle of responsibility can be achieved by complying with Islamic principles, the principle of equality and justice can be achieved by managing the company directed at all interests, the principle of independence can be achieved by increasing professionalism, the principle of accountability can achieved by working with ethics, the principle of transparency can be achieved through the provision of financial information regularly. In addition, three strategies can be prioritized to optimize GCG implementation: training and education of human resources, focus on GCG implementation mechanisms, and internal control.


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How to Cite
darmawan, eko. (2024). Kajian Literatur Tentang Implementasi Good Corporate Governance Untuk Pengembangan Asuransi Dengan Investasi Syariah (Unit Link). VALUE, 4(2), 174-187. https://doi.org/10.36490/value.v4i2.998