Author Guidelines

Type of Publication

Manuscripts submitted to Animal Husbandry Advances should neither be published previously nor be under review for publication in another journal. The main article types are Articles and Reviews

 General Rules

  1. Jurnal Peternakan Unggul has no restriction on the length of manuscripts, provided that the text is concise and comprehensive
  2. Manuscript should be written in Bahasa or English
  3. Abstract should be a total about maximum 300 word, with minimum 5 key words. The abstract should be single space paragraph and follow the style of structured abstract; 1. background, 2. methods, 3. results, 4. conclusion
  4. The script is typed 1.5 spaces with Time New Roman letter size 12 and paragraph format using left and right alignment (justified).
  5. The manuscript is prepared in Microsoft Word. When preparing a manuscript in Microsoft word, we encourage the author to use the Jurnal Peternakan Unggul template file
  6. All figures and tables should be inserted into the main text close to their first citation and must be numbered following their number appearance (Figure 1, Table 1, etc.).

 Research Manuscript Structure 

Title: The title should be concise and informative. The title is no more than 20 words. The full institution address and the names of the authors follow the title. Contact information for the author should be included which is the author's address written completely and accompanied by a fax or email number. Complete with correspondence email. 

Abstract: The abstract should be a total maximum of 300 words. The experiment's goals are clearly stated at the beginning, and then the materials and methods, findings, and conclusion are covered. The abstract does not include references. Acronyms used in the abstract should be defined when they are first used. Include a list of up to five (5) keywords that best summarize the research's focus at the end of the abstract. 

Introduction; The introductory section should be addressed the background, aims and purposes of the research, as well as the hypotheses of the research. The author can fully describe the context around the research that is being constructed, as well as the research's objectives and anticipated order of importance. 

Materials and Methods: The first subtitle could be the time and location of the investigation, or it may be a research region with coordinates, height, or other climatic information. To help readers understand and be able to apply the ideas the author has developed, Subtitle 2 may take the shape of research implementation strategies (application of treatments/research components) that are stated in more depth. Techniques and experimental designs that are described in further detail can be found in subtitle 3. It is advised to use Microsoft Equation, a feature of Microsoft Word, to create mathematical equations or formulas. Subtitle 4 could contain measurement of the observable parameters and statistical analysis, which is described in more depth. 

Result: The author should provide a concise and detailed description of the research results, their interpretation as well as the experimental conclusions that can be drawn. 

Discussion: authors should discuss the findings and how they can be interpreted in light of earlier research and the working hypotheses. The work's limitations should be emphasized, and the findings and their consequences should be discussed in the broadest context feasible. The directions for future study may also be indicated. Results and this section could be combined. 

Conclusion: This section is not compulsory but can be included in the manuscript if the discussion is unusually long or complex. 

Acknowledgment: Acknowledgments are disclosed to research funders or any supports who have contributed to the research which is not covered by author's contribution. 

References: Manuscripts use Times New Roman font size 12 points, single space, and paragraph format using left and right alignment (justified). The bibliography uses the APA (American Psychological Association) format and is recommended for at least the last 10 years. 

Manuscript citation:

  • single author: (Ruzin, 1999) or Ruzin, (1999)
  • two authors: (Taiz & Zeiger, 2002) or Taiz & Zeiger, (2002)
  • three and more authors: (Hernaman et al., 2008) or Hernaman et al., (2008) 

References should be described as follows; 

Journal Articles

Hernaman, I., Budiman, A., & Ayuningsih, B. (2008). Pengaruh penundaan pemberian ampas tahu pada domba yang diberi rumput gajah terhadap konsumsi dan kecernaan. Jurnal Ilmu Ternak Universitas Padjadjaran, 8(1), 1-6.

 Hassani, S., Moosavy, M. H., Gharajalar, S. N., Khatibi, S. A., Hajibemani, A., & Barabadi, Z. (2022). High prevalence of antibiotic resistance in pathogenic foodborne bacteria isolated from bovine milk. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1–10.


Pond, W. G., & Pond, K. R. (2000). Introduction to animal science. John Wiley and Sons.


World Health Organization. (2018, February 20). Antimicrobial resistance.

 Conference Proceeding:

Kudrin, M. R., Berezkina, G. Y., Shklyaev, A. L., Shuvalova, L. A., & Deryushev, I. A. (2019). Post-mortem indices of the black-and-white breed. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 315, 072034.


Harris, B. L. (1986). Optimal cow replacement on New Zealand seasonal supply dairy farms. Doctoral Dissertation, Massey University.


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