• Harapin Hafid H Universitas Haluoleo
Keywords: daging ayam, jenis tepung, bakso goreng, kualitas fisik, kualitas organoleptik


This study aims to determine and evaluate the effect of the type of flour added in the manufacture of broiler fried meatballs on physicochemical and organoleptic qualities. This research was carried out at the Animal Product Processing Technology Laboratory, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Halu Oleo Kendari University, in November 2022. The design used in this study was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 5 repetitions on the physicochemical quality test and 25 panelists as replicates on organoleptic testing. Treatment in the form of using various types of flour with a concentration of 20%. The treatments used were tapioca flour (P1), mocaf flour (P2), sago flour (P3), cornstarch (P4) and rice flour (P5). Organoleptic quality test research variables include color, shape, texture, aroma, taste, elasticity and general acceptance. The results showed that the addition of different types of flour to broiler fried meatballs had a significant effect on organoleptic quality which significantly affected taste and general acceptance, but had no significant effect on color, shape, texture, scent and chewiness. It can be concluded that the best treatment is fried meatballs using mocaf flour.


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