Dampak Bendungan Batang Toru di Kecamatan Pahae Jae Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara

  • Ceria Ifankya Sitompul Ekonomi Pembangunan
Keywords: Development Impact, Economic Aspects Socio-Cultural Aspects


This study aims to describe whether the construction of the Batang Toru Dam has an impact on socio-cultural and economic aspects in Parsaoran Nainggolan Village, Pahae Jae Sub-district, North Tapanuli Regency. This study used a paired t-test to analyze the data. The results showed that the construction of the Batang Toru dam has had an impact on economic aspects (changes/opening of employment opportunities, increasing agricultural yields) and socio-culture (increasing the sense of community and interaction between communities) for the community. Parsaoran Nainggolan Village, Pahae Jae Subdistrict, North Tapanuli Regency.

How to Cite
Sitompul, C. (2024). Dampak Bendungan Batang Toru di Kecamatan Pahae Jae Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara. JOURNAL ECONOMICS AND STRATEGY, 5(1), 35-44. https://doi.org/10.36490/jes.v5i1.1011