Palm oil (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) is commodity the largest contributor to the country's foreign exchange the production of palm oil and palm kernel oil. Efforts made to ensure optimal absorption of air and nutrients during the nursery is apply Trichoderma. Trichoderma has the ability to produce anti-microbial metabolites, mycoparasites, and the ability compete with pathogenic fungi. The antagonistic Trichoderma used as an environmentally friendly alternative for controlling pathogens. N, P, and K are needed in the photosynthesis process constituents of compounds in plants that will be converted to form plant organs such as leaves, stems, and roots. The availability of n, p, and k for plants can increase the amount of chlorophyll, increasing chlorophyll will increase photosynthetic activity which produces more assimilate which supports plant dry weight. This research used a factorial randomized block design (RAK) with 2 treatment factors. The first factor is the Trichoderma which consists of 2 treatment levels, J1 = Trichoderma 10 gr/plant, J2 = Trichoderma 15 gr/plant. The second factor of NPK fertilizer consists of 3 treatment levels, P0 = Control, P1 = 8 grams, P2 = 10 grams. The parameters in this research's plant height, number leaves, stem diameter and leaf area. NPK had a significant on the number leaves and leaf area, the best treatment was P2. Trichoderma had a significant on the number of leaves, stem diameter and leaf area, the best treatment was J2. The interaction of trichoderma and NPK had a significant on leaf area, the best treatment was J2P2.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Alvin, Razali Razali, Octa ninasari Sijabat, Ahmad Nadhira
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